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The mission of the President is to ensure that the Chapter mission, as stated in this Constitution, is met through the effective function of the Chapter Board and its members and through a judicious use of Chapter resources. This position is responsible for managing the affairs and leading the membership of the local chapter. To prosper in this role one should possess leadership and management abilities. An outgoing nature is also helpful as the task requires the ability to meet with many people and communicate to audiences.

Specific Tasks:

  • Schedule, create agenda, and preside over Board meetings and Chapter meetings
  • Organize and schedule monthly board meetings
  • Fill in where needed to assist board members or accommodate for vacancies
  • Approve monthly financial report and authorize all expenditures in excess of approved budgets
  • Call for board position nominations at the August chapter meeting
  • Appoint and organize the nomination committee between August and September
  • Present newly elected board officers at the October chapter meeting
  • Plan one or two fall joint officer board meetings for onboarding purposes.
  • Act as the liaison of the Chapter on regional and national affairs of thATD and represent the Chapter on the Regional Council
  • Receives and distributes as appropriate communications from area and national ATD sites
  • Ensure the achievement of current Chapter objectives and the development of long range plans by coordinating, monitoring, and coaching the performance of Chapter officers
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records.

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The mission of the President-Elect is to prepare for leadership for the Chapter and to coordinate the development of long-range plans. This position is intended as the training ground for the role of president. As such, this individual works closely with the president and the Board of directors. They may be asked to serve different functions, especially in case of vacancies, but effort should be made to allow this individual sufficient time to absorb information without being overwhelmed with continuous other chapter responsibilities.

Specific Tasks:

  • Act in the absence of the President in all meetings of the Chapter, the Board of Directors, and all official Chapter activities
  • Participate as an ex-officio member under Professional Development, Membership, Records, and Finance
  • Plan with the presiding President one or two fall joint officer board meetings for onboarding purposes
  • Coordinate the development of long-range Chapter plans
  • Compile and submit an annual chapter plan for the year in which he/she shall preside by December 31st (CORE requirement)
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records

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The mission of the Past President is to provide advice and guidance to Chapter officers. The Past-President does not have a vote on the Board.

Specific Tasks:

  • Assure that Chapter officers fulfill requirements of the current Chapter Development Program
  • Submits the CARE report for the year of their Presidency by January 31st
  • Compile and submit to the membership an annual chapter report to present at the February chapter meeting
  • Provide guidance and support to the Board members during the year in an ex-officio member role

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Vice President of Professional Development

The mission of the VP of Professional Development is to enhance the professionalism of members by providing programs of general interest and developmental opportunities for members. This position is primarily responsible for organizing and managing the program offered each month to at the general membership meeting. An outgoing nature is imperative in this position as it requires a lot of communication including potentially cold calling prospective presenters. Good organizational skills are also helpful.

Specific Tasks:

  • Create a program schedule, keeping in mind membership needs and demands balanced against presenter scheduling and a very limited program budget. It is desirable to program as far ahead as possible with a goal to be the entire calendar year of programing.
  • Contact potential presenters and meet presenter needs (e.g. audio / computer, etc.).
  • Attempt to provide presentations that:
  • Are of current interest
  • Support one or more of the ATD competencies
  • Provide a distinct training method
  • Coordinate program title, summary and presenter(s) bio(s) with the Vice President of Communications. All information must be sent to the VP of Communications two weeks prior to the general chapter meeting.
  • Submit presenter information and presentation material for continuing education credits (HRCI, ATD, etc.) by the due date
  • Introduce the presenters at the monthly meetings
  • Follow-up presentations with a personal thank you card signed by the Board of Directors
  • Coordinate with Board approval on any payments to presenters for travel reimbursements
  • Arrange facilities and equipment at all Chapter functions
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records

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Vice President of Membership

The mission of the VP of Membership is to provide a strong membership base, including both national and Chapter members, sustain the Chapter as a viable organization of public and private sector training and development professionals and provide the VP of Records with a yearly print-out of membership. This position is responsible for maintaining the current membership listing and contact information of the chapter. Strong organizational skills are imperative in this position, but communication and sales attributes are also helpful to assist with recruiting.

Specific Tasks:

  • Coordinate with the VP of Records to maintain the current membership listing and contact information for the chapter
  • Take role at monthly meetings
  • Organize and schedule at least one membership drive during the Board year (November –March).
  • Conduct membership survey in January
  • Publish and distribute a Membership Directory for active members in April
  • During meetings, assist the VP for Finance with meeting registration, taking payments for meetings, and membership fees
  • Serve as backup for ordering catering services for the VP of Communications
  • Recruit new national and Chapter members from the private and public sectors and retain current members within the Chapter and the national organization
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records.

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Vice President of Communications

The mission of the VP of Communications is to support other Chapter activities by providing informational services within the organization and to promote the Chapter and the image of the training and development profession in the community. This position is responsible for communication functions with the membership of the local chapter. This position is great for those with a flair for marketing and communications. Organizational skills are also necessary as there are a lot of tasks associated with this position. This can be a very busy position.

Specific Tasks:

  • Responsible for writing the routine communication for the monthly meetings (e.g. program announcements, emails, etc.). Monthly program announcement must be sent out 10 days prior to the general chapter meeting
  • Responsible for the maintenance of the chapter website, email account, and RSVP site
  • Responsible for communicating RSVP counts with the BV-ATD Board of Directors after close of RSVP period
  • Send program announcements to other organizations and other ATD Texas chapters
  • Maintain current chapter electronic mailing list (different from the membership list).
  • Email RSVP Reminder by the end of business Monday of the week of the monthly chapter meeting
  • Responsible for creating menus and coordination with catering service for monthly meetings. This is recommended to be done well ahead of time and if possible for the entire year
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records.

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Vice President of Finance

The mission of the VP of Finance is to conduct budget planning and assure control over the Chapter's finances. This position is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the local chapter. To prosper in this role one should possess high organizational and strong bookkeeping skills.

Specific Tasks:

  • Provide financial and bookkeeping services;
  • Pick up the chapter mail at least twice a month.
  • Provide for the collection of annual due and meeting fees at each event
  • Obtain sufficient change fund for monthly meetings
  • Process invoices to be paid and invoice any membership that is set up for direct billing within one week of event or four weeks within renewal period
  • Deposit monthly meeting cash/checks within one to two business days of receipt
  • Reconcile the monthly bank statement on a monthly basis
  • Pay monthly bills in a timely manner
  • Write checks for expense reimbursement to board members within one week of request
  • Provide a monthly income statement to the Board of Directors at the monthly board meetings
  • Conduct annual budget planning with the Board members and publish results by the February board meeting
  • Responsible for preparing the last income statement and balance sheet for December 31st for CARE requirements/submission
  • Monitor expenditures against planned budgets and revise as needed
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records

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Vice President of Records

The mission of the VP of Records is to document all of the Chapter's activities, records, policies and membership lists. This position is responsible for the meeting and membership records of the local chapter and providing for general administrative services. To prosper in this role one should possess high organizational skills.

Specific Tasks:

  • Provide secretarial and administrative services
  • Take minutes at Board meetings and provide such to board for approval within a week’s time of the board meeting
  • Take and publish minutes for official chapter meetings (where votes are taken) within a week’s time of the board meeting
  • Work with VP of Membership to maintain membership records and keep a copy available
  • In the event of the absence of the Vice President for Finance or in an emergency, the Vice President for Records shall obtain covering power of attorney for the funds of the Chapter
  • Document Chapter policies and procedures and draft Constitution and Bylaw changes
  • Retain a copy of the professional development events, speaker notes (if applicable), and meeting minutes for chapter records
  • Retain a copy of the board job descriptions
  • Set and review the records retention schedule on an annual basis
  • Fulfill all Chapter requirements for this office, as outlined in the annual plan and in the job descriptions maintained by the Vice President of Records

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Vice President of Technology

The mission of the VP of Technology is to identify new methods to keep our chapter current with technological advances and ensure our online platform uses the recommended security settings. This position is responsible for advising the board on new online innovations, potential apps and other devices we could leverage, and emerging security issues. To prosper in this role one should possess a solid understanding of current technology and the initiative to research new and emerging advances and security recommendations.

Specific Tasks:

  • Identify current weaknesses in organizational technology
  • Research emerging technology that could be leveraged to increase and maintain chapter membership and engagement
  • Report on technological strategies used by fellow ATD chapters
  • Assess security measures and suggest improvements as applicable

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Hospitality Chair (Optional)

Specific Tasks:

  • Create name tags for new members and position tags (if applicable)
  • Greet Membership and pass out name tags at each monthly chapter meeting
  • Help setup and dispose of food at the general chapter meeting

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Website Chair (Optional)

Specific Tasks:

  • Create pages and material for the BV-ATD website
  • Update BV-ATD website on a regular monthly basis with current information from the Board

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Social Media Chair (Optional)

Specific Tasks:

  • Create posts for upcoming and past BV-ATD events on social media channels
  • Support BV-ATD online presence
  • Identify strategies for increasing visibility of and engagement with BV-ATD social media accounts

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